Clive Foto

Clive Treu

The TREU FAMILY was well known as builders - from my grandfather, Adolph Treu, and passed on to some of his sons - my father, Paul Treu, was one of them. I worked for him in the school holidays. My father passed his building skills on to some of his children - Errol, Adolph, André, and me, which I only realised at the age of twenty-four. His brother, Douglas, was into wood repair and making furniture, and I used to work for him sometimes after school. After matric, I couldn't get a proper job, and went to work for my brother, Errol Treu. After that I started to paint cartoons in our room and in a game shop and also write the names on the shops. Then Swanee Signs spotted me, where I learned the basics of signwriting. That was only for a year, where after I worked for Nuus-O-Rama as a driver and video clarc. I also did signwriting with Poppie Melis and Maja Ludick, for 3 years. After that I worked for myself as TREU SIGNS, where after I went to PEP STORES as a window dresser for 3 years and was promoted to branch manager until 2000. From 2000 I buy and sell second-hand vehicles, which foundation was laid way back after school when I was in standard 4 (grade 6). I washed different teachers' cars after school. I started my car business with no money, starting with commission as a spotter, and receiving a R400 fee. That was set aside, until I had almost R5000, of which I bought my first bakkie. That went on, and I'm still buying and selling second-hand vehicles. Something that I'm very proud of!
Antient Times   680 mm x 1800 mm   R20 000.00
My 3D art
This is something that I didn't see coming. Doing 3D art was never on my list, and something that I never dreamed of doing. It hit me unexpectedly. I only had a dream about 2 years ago of me putting pieces together, like a puzzle. I did not understand the dream at that stage. In March 2022, I saw something at someone’s house that drew my attention. It was 3D art, but not made of wood. I realised I could do this. 9 months after that, December 2022, I challenged myself into the 3D WORLD, but with tiles and hidden lights. I was enormously proud of myself but left it there. At the end of January 2023, I had another dream about something that was standing in front of my house, and I did not realise it. The man in the dream told me it had been there for just over a month. When I woke up, I realised that the tiled 3D art was done that specific time ago. So now, I’ve got the message, I must start doing 3D art. But the problem with that was, it was tiled, and if I want to do that, it must be done on site, which would be extremely hard to do. Then, suddenly it came to me… with wood, Clive, with wood… Since March, I've started doing this. It was like overnight. GOD GIVE ME THE WISDOM AND STRENGTH OVERNIGHT to accomplish what I needed to do. God told me how to draw and design it... how to cut it… prepare it… lay it… paint it... box it and how to wire it. This is not drawn from pictures, which makes each one of them unique - it's created by God. THIS IS A GOD GIVEN TALENT! Only when I started the second one, I realised that THIS was what the dream was all about... the puzzle… putting the cut pieces together! And ever since that. I'm busy making it. So, God used every skill that was passed on to me, from my father and his father, and the skills that I've got, for this project, because HE KNEW WHAT HE HAD IN MIND FOR ME. This is a very wonderful gift to have, and everyone who sees the art falls in love with it. It's the first of it's kind, in our country…
3D Gallery

My paintings
The Workshop
The art are build from puzzle like pieces sketched on and cut out of MDF wood. The pieces are layer build to a 3D result, finished in rich colorful paint to a superb artisanal finish resulting in a exquisite art piece. Maintenance of the lights are also very easy. Additionally the art pieces can be made to personal color preferences and size to order. Lead time and pricing depending on order.